
Oban Web is delivered as a hex package named oban_web, which is published privately to our self-hosted package repository. The package is entirely self contained—it doesn't hook into your asset pipeline at all.


  1. Ensure Oban is installed for your application. It's probably there already, but just in case, follow these instructions to get started.

  2. Ensure Phoenix Live View is installed and working in your application. If you don't have Live View, follow these instructions to get started.


Before you can pull the package into your application you need to add a new oban hex repo. First, grab the OBAN_KEY_FINGERPRINT and OBAN_LICENSE_KEY from your account page.

Then, run the following mix hex.repo command:

mix hex.repo add oban \
  --fetch-public-key $OBAN_KEY_FINGERPRINT \
  --auth-key $OBAN_LICENSE_KEY

Authenticating Other Systems

You'll also need to authenticate on any other development machines, build servers and CI/CD instances. There are also guides to help with building Docker Images, authenticating on Gigalixir and Heroku.


Now that you're authenticated you're ready to add oban_web as a dependency for your application. Open mix.exs and add the following line:

{:oban_web, "~> 2.10.0-rc.1", repo: "oban"}

Now fetch your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

This will fetch both oban_web and oban_met, if you haven't already installed oban_met through oban_pro.

After fetching the package you'll use the Oban.Web.Router to mount the dashboard within your application's router.ex:

# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
use MyAppWeb, :router

import Oban.Web.Router


scope "/" do
  pipe_through :browser

  oban_dashboard "/oban"

Here we're using "/oban" as the mount point, but it can be anywhere you like. See the Oban.Web.Router docs for additional options.

After you've verified that the dashboard is loading you'll probably want to restrict access to the dashboard via authentication, e.g. with Basic Auth.

Switch to the PG Notifier

PubSub notifications are essential to Web's operation. Oban uses a Postgres based notifier for PubSub by default. That notifier is convenient when getting started, but it has a hard restriction on payload size.

To get the most out of Web's metrics, you should switch to the PG (Process Groups) based notifier built on Distributed Erlang.

config :my_app, Oban,
  notifier: Oban.Notifiers.PG,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,

The PG notifier requires that your app is clustered together. Otherwise, notifications are local to the current node.

Usage in Worker Only Nodes

To receive metrics from non-web nodes in a system with separate "web" and "worker" applications you must explicitly include oban_met as a dependency for "workers".

{:oban_met, "~> 0.1", repo: :oban}


Web customization is done through the Oban.Web.Resolver behaviour. To allows you to enable access controls, control formatting, and provide query limits for filtering and searching. Using a custom resolver is entirely optional, but you should familiarize yourself with the default limits and functionality.

Installation is complete and you're all set! Start your Phoenix server, point your browser to where you mounted Oban and start monitoring your jobs.

Next Steps

  • Configure the dashboard connection or mount additional dashboards with the Oban.Web.Router

  • Configure dashboard behavior with access controls, query limits, and formtting with Oban.Web.Resolver

  • Attach logging and hook into telemetry events with Oban.Web.Telemetry