Oban.Pro.Migration (Oban Pro v1.5.0-rc.3)

Migrations create and modify the database tables and indexes Oban Pro needs to function.

If you use prefixes, or have multiple instances with different prefixes, you can specify the prefix and create multiple tables in one migration:


To use migrations in your application you'll need to generate an Ecto.Migration that wraps calls to Oban.Pro.Migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration add_oban_pro

Open the generated migration and delegate the up/0 and down/0 functions to Oban.Pro.Migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddObanPro do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up, do: Oban.Pro.Migration.up()

  def down, do: Oban.Pro.Migration.down()

This will run all of the necessary migrations for your database.

Now, run the migration to create the table:

mix ecto.migrate


Like Oban, migrations are versioned and you may need to run the migration again when new oban_pro versions are released. To do this, generate a new migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration upgrade_oban_pro

Open the generated migration in your editor and call the up and down functions on Oban.Pro.Migration, with an optional version number:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.UpgradeObanPro do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up, do: Oban.Pro.Migrations.up(version: "1.5.0")

  def down, do: Oban.Migrations.down(version: "1.4.0")

Differences from Oban

Unlike Oban, the migration versions correspond directly to the oban_pro package version. In addition, running down/0 will only step back one version, not all the way down.

Isolation with Prefixes

Oban supports namespacing through PostgreSQL schemas, therefore so does Oban Pro. Specify a prefix within your migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddPrefixedObanPro do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up, do: Oban.Pro.Migration.up(prefix: "private")

  def down, do: Oban.Pro.Migration.down(prefix: "private")



Run the down changes for migrations between the current version and the previous version.

Run the up changes for all migrations between the initial version and the current version.


Link to this function

down(opts \\ [])

Run the down changes for migrations between the current version and the previous version.

This behaviour differs from Oban.Migration by only stepping down one version per invocation. You must explicitly specify version 1.0.0 to rollback all the way and drop initial tables.


Run migrations down from the current version to the previous:


Run migrations down to and including a specified version:

Oban.Pro.Migration.down(version: "1.4.0")

Run all down migrations back to the original:

Oban.Pro.Migration.down(version: "1.0.0")

Run migrations in an alternate prefix:

Oban.Pro.Migration.down(prefix: "payments")

Run the up changes for all migrations between the initial version and the current version.


Run all migrations up to the current version:


Run migrations up to a specified version:

Oban.Pro.Migration.up(version: "1.4.0")

Run migrations in an alternate prefix:

Oban.Pro.Migration.up(prefix: "payments")