Changelog for Oban Met v0.1.0

Initial release!

v0.1.4 — 2023-12-15

Bug Fixes

  • [Met] Monitor Oban instances and synchronize shutdown.

    Auto-started Met instances may outlive the Oban instance they're linked to, which causes a variety of registry errors when the original process has shutdown. To prevent that, a separate process now monitors the linked Oban supervisor process and coordinates shutting down the Met supervisor.

v0.1.3 — 2023-10-29

Bug Fixes

  • [Met] Start Met on boot for running oban instances

    It's common for oban and oban_met to start in separate applications under an umbrella. When oban_met started after oban, then Met missed the telemetry event and can't start a Met supervisor.

    This adds a task on boot that starts a Met instance for any running Oban isntances.

  • [Recorder] Hibernate recorder process after compact cycle

    The Recorder process "touches" large batches of JSON received from Reporter processes, but it doesn't operate on the data often enough to trigger a full GC. The entire mechanics are explained in this post on the ElixirForum.

    Now, the Recorder hibernates after compacting to trigger a fullsweep garbage collection.

v0.1.2 — 2023-09-24


  • [Recorder] Differentiate max/sum/pct operations for timeslice

    Some gauges should be displayed as a sum (exec count) while others should be a maximum (full count). Now timeslicing can differentiate between the two, and values types gained sum/1 and union/2 functions to make it possible.

v0.1.1 — 2023-08-28

Bug Fixess

  • [Reporter] Reset reported counts whenever they're checkable

    In situations where there wasn't anything new to count, e.g. an empty queue or state, the old checks lingered until there was something to count again. Now any checkable counts are reset to an empty state before storage to ensure we reset back to 0 without new data.

v0.1.0 — 2023-08-05

  • Telemetry powered metric tracking and aggregation with compaction
  • Periodic queue checking and reporting, replaces the Gossip plugin
  • Periodic counting and reporting with backoff, replaces Web.Stats plugin
  • Leader backed distributed metric sharing with handoff
  • Automatic instrumentation attached after instance startup